Our Motto: "Your Satisfaction, Our Passion."

Real Estate Services

Real Estate

Percée Foli is posed and skilled in the area of buying and selling properties for our esteemed customers. We are skilled to provide complete real estate services.

Fleet Management for Business


Percée Foli has been involved in transportation by acquiring fleet of cars for the purpose of moving passengers/ goods. We also partner with all e- hailing companies to provide drivers.

Maximize Your Value Chain


Percée Foli is posed to provide warehousing facility for import and export purposes. We acquire land or take a long lease, build or manage warehouses for customers.

Building Maintenance

Property Management

Looking after your building is our business. We help you manage and look after your building and properties.

Buying & Selling

General Merchant

Buying and selling general goods. Percée Foli is poised to buy and sell any products, goods, etc. within the country.

Local & Imported Goods on Display

Chain Stores

Percée Foli is planning to develop and open chain stores in choice neighborhoods to serve the shopping of all residents with both local and international products and goods on display.

about us

Get To Know More About Percée Foli & Co. Limited

We are indigenous company, highly diversified commercial business enterprises in Nigeria, involved in Real Estate, Transportation, Warehousing, General Merchant, Chain Store, Buying and selling, amongst others with the aim of filling gap specific needs and maximizing the value chain for competitive advantage. Get to Know More About Percée Foli and Co. Limited.

Let's Get Your Dream Home
let's talk now

Percée Foli is posed and skilled in the area of buying and selling properties for our esteemed customers. We have a great understanding of the market and business demands. We have highly committed and efficient team of professionals. Make an appointment with us today!

Home Exterior of House with Landscaping; Shutterstock ID 134743988; Purchase Order: -

why choose us

We give you reasons beyond doubts to work with Percée Foli & Co. Limited. Our Core values are deeply rooted in the following:

Smiling woman doing business with Percee Foli and Co 1

professional services

Our relentless desire for excellence,  expertise and industry best practices and services give us the edge as a business.

Value & Result Driven

Value & result oriented approach with the aim of filling gap specific needs and maximizing the value chain for competitive advantage.

large & full listings

We offer your out-of-the box features and opportunity to invest and grow with us through a wide range of products and services.

Time Efficiency

We help you take control of your daily routine and start to use time to your own advantage. We plan out and complete task in a timely and productive manner.

Happy sales agent welcoming customer

are you ready for your dream home

Beyond just helping you secure your dream home and assets, we want to help you grow today and beyond. Check out the value-added services we have got to offer.

Our Partners

Here are the clients and customers we have worked with and complemented at Percée Foli and Co. Limited

Growth Oriented

We provide solutions that enhance your business growth with our gap specific offerings.

Competitive Advantage

We have a great understanding of the market and business demands giving you the power to succeed.

Expert Services

We have highly committed and efficient team of professionals that are ever ready to offer support for growth.